Online studio Speak.Eng.PRO includes all the best components of effective foreign language learning in one place. Here you will find proper attention and care for your results, the most convenient form of studying and practicing, individually adjusted programs and schedule, and affordable prices ❤
Welcome to SpeakEng.PRO

С правильным подходом к изучению языка

SpeakEng PRO - это место, где преподаватели действительно заинтересованы в результатах студентов и своей работе; где обучают не на «отвали»; где выражения «гибкий график» и «индивидуальный подход» - это не пустой звук; где честно говорят о том, что результат достигается НЕ за день/неделю/месяц, это труд и время, но мы проходим весь этот путь с вами от начала до конца, обсуждая все возникающие вопросы и нюансы, делаем процесс обучения максимально комфортным и приятным.

If you study at SpeakEng.PRO, you have the opportunity to:
  • Learn English or German starting or continuing from any level (from Starter to Advanced) - you get tested for free;
  • Study with an highly experienced teacher (read more here (link here);
  • Study online at a convenient time for you - the schedule is formed individually with each student. You’ll be surprised HOW the schedule can look like ;);
  • Have a flexible program adjusted according to your goals;
  • Choose any direction in studying: exam preparation, relocation, traveling, work and job interview, a general English or German course, Business English and much more.
С правильным подходом к изучению языка

SpeakEng PRO - это место, где преподаватели действительно заинтересованы в результатах студентов и своей работе; где обучают не на «отвали»; где выражения «гибкий график» и «индивидуальный подход» - это не пустой звук; где честно говорят о том, что результат достигается НЕ за день/неделю/месяц, это труд и время, но мы проходим весь этот путь с вами от начала до конца, обсуждая все возникающие вопросы и нюансы, делаем процесс обучения максимально комфортным и приятным.

If you study at SpeakEng.PRO, you have the opportunity to:
  • Learn English or German starting or continuing from any level (from Starter to Advanced) - you get tested for free;
  • Study with an highly experienced teacher (read more here (link here);
  • Study online at a convenient time for you - the schedule is formed individually with each student. You’ll be surprised HOW the schedule can look like ;);
  • Have a flexible program adjusted according to your goals;
  • Choose any direction in studying: exam preparation, relocation, traveling, work and job interview, a general English or German course, Business English and much more.
A professional works with you!
We’re glad to introduce the founder of SpeakEng.PRO studio, chief teacher and methodologist - Sofia!
  • 12 years of experience in teaching English and German
  • Education: Linguist-teacher, Faculty of 'Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures' at the Far Eastern State University (graduation of 2012)
  • CAE certificate (international exam Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English) in 2017
  • Professional development course for teachers in 2019
  • Recognition of the Far Eastern State University diploma by Charles University (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) in 2020
  • SpeakEng PRO studio is registered in the Czech Republic, where Sofia has been living since the beginning of 2020
  • Teaching activity since 2009: teaching students of all age groups (from 3 to 68 years old); a private tutor for English and German languages; a teacher at a public school and several private and language schools (including online schools); a teacher at BOSCH (corporate business English); a methodologist and teacher at one of the largest online English schools in Russia;
  • Khabarovsk -> St. Petersburg -> Czech Republic

Before you start studying, we provide a consultation and a demo lesson (not for SpeakEng Club!), test your language level and current knowledge absolutely for free!

Strong demand!
SpeakEng Club
Our courses
Stay tuned - the list of courses
is updated periodically! :)
General English / German course
  • From Beginner to Advanced
  • Pre-testing
  • Convenient online learning format
  • Flexible schedule formed with you
  • Individually adjusted program
  • A lot of speaking practice
  • Consecutive and outstanding presentation of material
English / German with an emphasis on
  • Trips abroad
  • Relocation abroad
  • Preparation for job interview
  • Business English
  • Special offers for the field of tourism
  • Exam preparation
Super offer!! SpeakEng Club (English)
  • From Elementary to Advanced
  • Discussion of the relevant and timely topics
  • Small groups (up to 6 people)
  • Convenient online learning format
  • Flexible schedule (possibilities of adjustments)
Наши цены
Вид занятий
45 минут
60 минут
90 минут
Индивидуальное занятие
Групповые занятия:**
2 студента
3 студента
4 студента
5 студентов
SpeakEng CLUB***
1 занятие
Абонемент на месяц (4 занятия)
Интенсивная подготовка к ОГЭ
Курс (10 недель): 220€ (или 17999 ₽)
цена со скидкой****
Apply for a free consultation
We will contact you within 24 hours
It's totally free
You can contact us via any convenient way

You can contact us via
any convenient way

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